John the baptizer was expecting a Messiah who would eradicate all that's (so obviously) wrong with the world. What he got was a Messiah who would redeem. The question is whether there's joy to be found in that, if not for him then maybe for us.
Here's a prayer in case you need one.
God of Advent, we find ourselves this season in the tension between “already” and “not yet.” We live assured that you are with us, and yet in our hearts we are still lonely for you. We abide in your hope for the creation that all shall live in joy and peace, and yet our lives are still marked by suffering and want. The nations continue in chaos and our own households are often ruled by confusion, conflict.
Gather us together, then, to continue in our watch for your coming, knowing that in our waiting is the foretaste of fulfillment. Grant us a moment of quiet wherein we might admit our yearning, though this is also to recognize what dissatisfaction yet reigns.
We confess that gap between our hope and our reality now. We confess our separateness from you, our continuation in sin. Silence.
Imbue this gap with your presence and your stay, freeing us from the snares of sin and the void of despair. Fill our yearning with the comforts of your promise. Help us to lean in joy toward that blessed morning when the brimming world will repeat the sounding joy, “Glory to you in the highest, and on earth peace, as has been promised!” In Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.
